
Monday, September 19, 2005

One small step for dem-kind....

the impending sale of my house brings to an end my brief sojourn into property ownership; I was not to be the feudal lord I had imagined - surveying my land from protected heights while troll-like surfs toiled in the mud below, giving their meagre earnings to me whilst I protected them from barbarian invaders. Instead my renter shrank my shirt in the shared laundry dryer and complained about the 'freezing cold' in the basement suite. A subsequent renter deftly abandoned the premises just prior to rent day - a blessing in disguise as I was able to procure his electric organ. Oh, how the warm notes echo throughout the empty halls! The apparent disapppointing effectiveness of the suite in returning any sort of significant monies towards my mortgage payments was quickly diminshed by the pure joy of maintaining and repairing the physical structures of the 45 year old house on a limited budget (ie. high-interest credit card). Under such trying circumstances I had the good fortune of receiving help from my father who, at various times in the past, had been known to nail things with a hammer in one hand and a smoke in the other (a trick I gleefully anticipated observing again). My father is a complicated man (and deserving of his own post I am sure) - one that although he doesn't want any type of guidance or assistance for any maintainence task won't 'do things for you' and 'wants you to be home when he's plastering your walls and not out boozing it up with women half your age'. At any rate, the sale of this house has now afforded me the opportunity to return to school at some point in the near future, hopefully in a climate more hospitable to a person of my sensitive disposition, but more on this later....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Heh. Electric organ.

Plug that into a socket, I suppose?