
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Power Grab

'In politics, a an organized minority is a political majority' - Rev. J. Jackson

The Governor General didn't do democracy any favors when she ruled to prorogue parliament a few weeks ago. Not that we should've expected anything different from the PM-appointed Queen's representative; we don't exactly have a ideal democratic process for picking our absolute head of state. I'm no expert at Parliamentary procedure, but it just strikes me a problematic that a minority-elected PM can suspend Parliament at his own discretion, and yet continue to govern unchecked during the suspension - in this case probably 7 or 8 weeks. Things are happening quickly in these 'uncertain times', but now we've lost one of the few tools we have to put politicians under the micro-scope during them, the parliamentary Question period. Since the GG granted Harper his request (to essentially avoid an imminent opposition-coordinated non-confidence vote) he has continued to make critical decisions to the welfare of the country - offering a multi-billion dollar bailout to Detroit automakers, and then appointing several new Senators - that are now outside the scope of formal questioning. Does anyone else see this as an issue? Isn't this what more despotic regimes tend to do - quash public questioning of government? Actually - I seem to recall that there have been more than a few English monarchs that have similiar issues in the past, so maybe we shouldn't be surprised at what has now transpired here in the colonies. Historically however, such acts by monarchs would be met with riots in the street and peasants with pitchforks, but here and now we're happy to be left alone by the politicians while we rush around finishing our gift and liquor buying for the holidays.

Monday, December 01, 2008

How I Learned to Love the Crash (or Happy Holidays!)

These 'uncertain' times have triggered an interesting array of reactions from people - from depression, to fear, to hope. One only has to peruse the sites and blogs at right to know where my current anxieties lie about the future of Homo Sapiens on this particular planet; somewhere between 1984 and Soylent Green, but with a 2010: Space Odyssey hopefulness. I would say that I've moved beyond conspiracy theories, but only to an even more cynical place - after all, conspiracies presume that there are at least some group of plutocrats, however shadowy, that have a grand design for us and the tools to implement it. But a darker place, arguable a worse scenario, is where there is no plan, no single entity, no identifiable levers that control the machine that is human civilization - it really may be a motley collection of near-sighted, self-interested princes, armed thugs and dopey sheep looking to get what they can, when they can. Is the gong show too large and discordant for anyone to influence, no matter the resources they have or the influence the wield? Regardless, judging from the financial and economic information coming to light it looks like we're in for very interesting times. With any luck we'll just hit a unparalleled global recession with all the hunger, anguish and trauma associated with it, and not the inevitable global implosion of consumptive capitalism, environmental collapse, and declining oil-based civilization that some have predicted. Sometimes I think, in either case, will all the psychic and physical resources we'll have to put into keeping this culture running really be worth it? What will we have to do to keep the TV's from China coming? The oranges from California? The cross-country flights? What will we have say or do to keep the illusion intact? And hat happens when the illusion vanishes?

What would life be without an employer for a paycheque, without a landlord or bank for shelter, without a truck from Ontario for food, without electronic pulses for entertainment? I can't say for certian that I would, over time, be worse without them. But maybe just a few short years ago we wouldn't have bothered asking this, but maybe this year we do. And maybe next year we ask further, 'what would we have to do if we were to meet all our own needs?'. Maybe the year after we learn to do those things. The future is uncertain, but maybe our choices need not be.

In any event - shop 'til you drop!
(next year in Jerusalem!)

The Obligatory Obama Post

By now I'm sure everyone's heard about the results of our neighbour's elections, and I'm not referring to old Mrs. Finlay being elected to the diocese CWL as sec-treasurer (although I think here position on mark-to-market accounting will give the incumbent a run for her money). Just a few notes then on the US election where Democratic candidate Obama easily defeated Republican John Mcain to become the 44th US president, and more notably the first African-Amercian president.

That Obama, a relatively young Illinois senator (but of course a fossilized troglodyte is young compared to Mcain) with a background in community development and constitutional law, literally demolished his opponent at the polls (winning several key Republican strongholds, and the overall popular vote) running on a change platform is not surprising, given that his country has been - how we say in Canada - run up a shit creek without a paddle, for a number of years. Watching the events unfold on our cathode ray tube TV on election night was great fun; it played out like a Oscar aiming Hollywood flick scripted for Denzel Washington, but without the required clan lynching scene. The surprising piece was the just how fervently his supporters/fans/groupies embraced the change - mucho!; how high expectations are of change - grande!; and what kinds of change are anticipated - everything!. I can see why he ran on that plaform - of course it was going to be a hit with voters, and he may even believe that change is needed in some areas and that he can actually deliver said changes, but he's still a politician. Look at who he's tapped for cabinet positions - a re-hashing of former Clinton and Bush regime power players; not exactly the band of outsiders storming the bastions of the capital. I'm afraid that there's going to be a collective let down next spring when people realize that he cannot deliver on any major changes in Amercian socio-economic life. And what happens afterwards? When Amercians realize they have created, or consented to the creation of a state, that cannot follow the will of the people? That the tools to care for "we the people" have been wrested from them by greedy princes of consumption-based capitalism and the military-industrial complex and their elected hangers-on. Or what happens if they don't realize this?

Friday, October 17, 2008

Post-Election Post

Going through Canadian federal elections is a disappointing process, like watching a Canucks game. There's plenty of hope, anticipation of needed change and an exuberance of positive potentialalities, but then they kick you in the ass. You're left to wonder if just shouldn't have skipped the gong-show and gone directly to banging your head on a wall. It really makes me wonder just what people think of this world we live in and and how our political system shapes it. In these 'uncertain times' ( the new buzzword for the inevitable environmental and economic collapse) both globally, and nationally, (see issues such as a lack of comprehensive social programs (daycare, housing, etc.), increasing militarization and connection to our aggressive and isolated neighbour, etc.) most people think a continued Conservative government is the way to go? Wow. The party that doesn't recognize Kyoto, killed corporate capital taxes, is anti-carbon taxes, increased military budgets, repeatedly refers to Quebec as a nation, didn't recommend a national daycare or housing program....this is who we're getting behind? Wow. I'm on the wrong page - I'm looking at the Communist Party of Canada website and thinking 'great ideas, bad rep' - I'm thinking Elizabeth May would be a breath of fresh air in Parliament, I'm thinking what does it mean when the NDP can't elect a candidate is Saskatchewan, birthplace of Canadian socialism? Is the scope and complexity of Canadian political discourse really reflected by this current structure we have? Ugh, Conservative or Liberal, ugh.
Looks like we're in trouble - maybe getting into the back pocket of our next door neighbour Super Power isn't such a bad idea....

Friday, September 26, 2008

Media Savvy!

Amy and I were lucky enough to catch Katie Couric's interview of Republican vp. candiate Sarah Palin last night. Wow. It was uncomfortable to say the least - it reminded me of the unholy sounds that pigs make when they eat their young. OK - thats graphic. It made us cringe at first, but being 2 patient liberal-types we figured that despite a lack of obvious polish in delivery she might actually have some good nuggets to hear, content-wise. Or at least another hockey-mom joke. But alas, no. Although she used words that were by themselves recognizable in the English language the way she assembled them was not consistent with generally-accepted grammatical syntax. I though maybe at first it was an Alaskan pig-latin dialect. Even Amy was confused - and she teaches ESL. It was almost as if someone in the green room, before the broadcast, hit her over the head with a blunt object and said 'go talk about the Russians' to Katie. I thought that after being sheltered by her campaign managers from the media for the last few weeks she would've been given some interview-coaching, or a crash course in political oratory, but maybe she had a series of strokes instead. Ironically, she makes Georgie Bush sound like an elder statesman instead of the feckless foundling that he is. I wonder if McCain ever meets with them alone and thinks he's is some sort of bizarro sci-fi movie, like he's the only man on a Planet of the Apes. In any event - the need for Obama to win is clearly stronger now than ever before, but I imagine we'll be saying this a few more times before this campaign circus ends.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

3 men down!

Shite - what's with the 3 recent federal NDP candidate resignations? 2 for for public pot use and 1 for public nudity - who thought socialist politics could be so fun? Next time I want to liven up my CandleLite party I'll call the NDP riding office and invite the boys over...There's a few problems here. By all accounts the party decision makers knew about these events ( and presumably understood that if made known to the public that they would be fair game to critics and voters) and decided to roll the dice with them anyway. Now they're down 3 candidates, and their credibility takes a bashing. Does this speak to a level of desperation around securing NDP candidates in some ridings? Did the campaign managers actually think the average voter would look past the blatant and idiotic drug use, and naked frolicking with teens in their potential elected representatives? I hope not, in both cases - or else the Left is in bigger trouble than we thought. On a more larger level, this creates some ideological problems. The NDP advocates for the de-criminalization of marijuana and supports the increase of harm-reduction drug programs (eg. Insite) to address drug addiction, so to then distance themselves from self-professed (albeit excessive) marijuana users turned politicians is a tad hypocritical. I think it's important to run a platform with the above-mentioned ideas, but the presentation of the candidates voicing this message would be key - ie. that pot-smoking candidates are a reflection of social drug use in the general population (hot-boxing the ice-fishing shack, passing a spliff around the gang at a house party, etc.) as opposed to driving around the West Coast stoned and recording it or being a judge at pot seed contest with a known DEA target. Just a thought...


Just putting you on notice; this Canadian production opens soon - I'll give it a watch and use it to make a comment on Afghanistan and/or comparisons to Amercian war flicks.

Format Change!

After running this blog (sporadically) for a few years as a web-journal of personal trips and events, probably as more of a crutch for my own terrible memory, I've decided to switch it up a bit. I've recently wanted to find a medium that I could use to reflect my processing of the people, ideas, events around me, and consequentially to demonstrate a statement of position in regards to this process. Thus, I'll provide more personal commentary and reflection of the goings-on around me, both locally and more globally, that will hopefully engage readers and invite more participation to share in this process.

Also, I'll include cat postings.

I've also added a Follower gadget - so for all those fellow bloggers out there please sign up to show your support. For non-blogging, but interested readers, please let me know if you want me to add you to the automatic e-mail list so that you get new posts direct to your inbox.


Friday, July 25, 2008

me and Cynthia P.

Part 1 of interview with Inuk throat singer; on life, lyrics and learning her traditional songs. Check out to catch the buzz...

Monday, July 14, 2008

For those who need a Maddie fix...

Here she is - roving around looking for a bedtime snack. She recently enjoyed a weekend on the farm - she met Jake and trolled the herb garden and then got lost in the cow field, aahh - summer...

OK - who parked the S2 in the backyard?

A recent and brief trip back to PG brought me face to face with this thing in the parents backyard. My dad had recently picked up this S2 sailboat from the east coast; he hopes to fix her up (the Maree II?) and plunder the south seas with her. And because she made the Kessel run in 12 parsecs it'll be a quick run to Passage Island from North Van.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Junior Summit on Ice!

August 2007 - we trekked down to GM Place to watch the final game of the Canada-Russia Super Series, an 8 game tourney with the best junior hockey players from both states. The hockey was great, but it was no replay of 1972. Canada won 7 of the 8 and tied the other. The skill was simply awesome - we watched Kyle Turris, Tavares and Gagner light them up.

Passage Island Redux

In May we had a working holiday on PI. Although I was initially fully prepared (and requesting)
to doze in the sun, a mini work bee quickly ensued and we found ourselves working on the roof - hammering in the afternoon heat. All was forgiven as wine and ale flowed afterwards. Pete has made substantial progress since last year, but one can only imagine how much more he would completed without the brain injury.

Newfie down!

Spring is in the air, so it must be wedding season. May found me losing another mate to the state of matrimony, and by summer's end I myself will inhabit that world. This one felt particularly significant as my Newfie friend and I had spent many a crazy time in PG over many years. As I said in my best man's speech; "may the wind always be at your back!".

What Internal Combustion Engine?

Spring time means bike time, and what better way to kick off the new season than on my new ride, tweedie, and check out the Critical Mass. Part protest, part parade - we had a great time; we took it a step further and substituted water for cheap German ale so it was no surprise when Pete later fell over in Stanley Park. We capped off the night by riding through the park to the north shore and then hailing caesar at a local public house. Aahh- summer...

Friday, May 02, 2008

hi mexico!

Fun times had by all (save for the digestive systems of some) during a trip to the Mayan riveria with the future in-laws. The trip confirmed what I know about myself - a) I'm really too white. b) I melt in the sun. c) despite what my mom says I can eat ice cream for dinner. d) I like tequila. I also learned new things - a) don't harass groups of monkeys. b) sarcasm doesn't translate well. c) cross continental plan travel is the devil's work.

Man down!

Nothing says holiday fun like attending a wedding of an old friend. Tam - we hardly knew you...